Home » What is Tonsil stone? – Definition, Tonsil Infections, Causes and More

What is Tonsil stone? – Definition, Tonsil Infections, Causes and More

by healthandbeautytimes

Tonsil Stones Definition

Tonsillitis or tonsil stone are similar formations “stones” staying in the tonsils; the glands are in the back of the throat.

They are causing by a combination of calcium salts and other mineral salts that are releasing from food, bacteria, and other wastes.

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How many times have you suffered from tonsil infections?

  • And even if you nofollow treatments to the letter, you have thought about removing them, or you probably have excellent oral hygiene. But they have also told you that your mouth smells, that you have bad breath.
  • If you feel those pebbles on your tonsils, we tell you what tonsillitis is.
  • Tonsillitis, also known as tonsil stones, are formations of pebbles that lodge in the tonsils (located at the bottom of the oral cavity)
  • And their size varies, they can be almost invisible or have a large scale that can cause discomfort in angina.
  • Tonsil stones can become visible and can even be extremely abnormal in size.
  • These stones are forming due to the accumulation of food in this area of the throat.
  • Over time, bacteria, dead cells, and other compounds begin to increase due to the digestion process and mucus. In this way, the tonsil stone is forming.
  • Although tonsil stones are not malignancy, they are the leading cause of bad breath or halitosis to the point that the patient can be affected in his social life.
  • Large stones can cause odynophagia and dysphagia.

What are the Causes?

  1. The causes of the formation of tonsil stones are not yet determined.
  2. There is a calcification process in their development, despite normal calcium levels.
  3. The repetitive inflammations of these stones lead to fibrosis, which is a process like scarring, and then inorganic salts are deposited.
  4. Other possible mechanisms of formation have been advising, for instance, the existence of ectopic tonsillar tissue (out of place), the structure of stones in the salivary ducts of the minor glands, or the calcification of abscess accumulations.
  5. Toothbrush, as polluted as the one in the toilet.
  6. The tonsils help to eliminate bacteria and other microorganisms to prevent infections in the body.
  7. In some cases, they can be a source of problems, especially for children, because they suffer tonsillitis and it is when they are removing to avoid complications, as we detail here.
  8. However, it can happen at any age.
  9. Tonsil stones are getting by a combination of calcium salts and other mineral salts that are shedding from food, bacteria, and other wastes.
  10. They become trapped in the pockets or craters of the tonsils; Calcium salts are a white or yellowish mass that hardens into tonsil stones or tonsil stones.
  11. A few years ago, the diary of Clinical and Diagnostic Research reported that they do not pose a higher health risk to those who suffer from them.
  12. However, you can suffer from bad breath that, on many occasions, even if you brush your teeth, it damages your social environment.
  13. Also, when they are too big, you feel pain and difficulty when eating.

Why do tonsil stones appear?

  • Believe it or not, situations that may go unnoticed greatly influence the appearance of these “pebbles” in angina, the main reasons.
  • Not brushing the teeth properly and not cleaning the tongue after each meal, accumulating bacteria in the mouth, unfiltered smoking cigarettes, presence of dead white blood cells, discharge of mucus, or the presence of tonsillar tissue out of place.
  • You can identify them if you detect bad breath, even if you brush your teeth.
  • An impression that you have something stuck in your throat, pain, and difficulty.
  • When eating, inflammation in angina and infection, redness, and even discomfort.

How to prevent them?

  • You should avoid ingesting acidic and very fatty foods.
  • When you get sick, treat throat infections in time to prevent sore throats from becoming infected, brush your teeth thoroughly, and don’t forget that it is also essential that you do it on your tongue.

What are the Treatments?

The conventional medical treatment of tonsil stones consists of the removal of these stones through curettage or scraping.

If they are larger, the tonsil stones are removing through surgery.

The surgery tonsils (tonsillectomy) may be necessary in case of chronic inflammations.

Among the best-known home remedies against tonsil stones are:

  1. Gargle: Gargle with vinegar can be beneficial and help dissolve calcium salts. In 1/4 cup of hot water add-a tablespoon of vinegar.
  2. Another option is rinsing with mouthwash. It helps with oral hygiene and prevention in the formation of new stones.
  3. Additionally, rinses with water and salt are also useful if performed every day to prevent and avoid the growth of tonsil stones.
  4. Keeping the nasal canals clean: in this way, the material is preventing the tonsils from reaching the crypts and accumulating there.
  5. Consume probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help prevent the growth of those that can trigger diseases and patients with tonsil stones.
  6. Taking probiotics can be beneficial in preventing bad breath.
  7. These measures will reduce the presence of odorous and undesirable tonsil stones in your mouth.

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