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Sleep Tips For Teens – Health And Beauty Times

by healthandbeautytimes

1. Establish a Routine

It has been proven that a consistent sleep schedule helps babies get sleepy and fall asleep at approximately the same time every day. This also works for adults as having a routine enables the body to program itself to fall asleep and wake at certain times. Stick to the schedule and come up with your own relaxation schedule.

2. Limit Technology Use Before Bed

Keep electronics such as your computer, smartphone, laptop, and TV out of your bedroom and avoid using them for at least one hour before bed.  The blue light emitted by these devices is known to inhibit the release of melatonin – the sleep hormone.

3. Create an Ideal Sleep Environment

A good sleep environment should provide proper support, comfort, and space to ensure that you fall asleep, get deep sleep, and remain asleep through the night. Find the best Dormeo Mattress here. Make sure that your bedroom is of the optimum temperature for sleep – from 16°C to 18°C or 60°F to 65°F. Also, ensure that your room is free of clutter, is decorated with pale colors and smells nice – preferably with scents such as geranium and lavender.

4. Stop Clockwatching

Worrying through the night that you aren’t falling asleep can actually prevent you from falling asleep. Frequently looking at the watch tends to increase stress and anxiety which ultimately keep you awake. The key here is to try and relax and think nice thoughts instead of tossing and turning checking the clock. If you still find yourself looking at the time, consider putting the clock on the other side of the room before getting to bed to make it harder for you to see the time pass by.

5. Improve Your Diet

Did you know that a healthy diet can have a positive influence on your quality of sleep? Certain foods in particular such as milk, pumpkin seeds, chicken, and turkey help promote good sleep as they contain the chemicals serotonin and tryptophan that play a crucial role in the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

6. Foods You Need to Avoid

While some foods promote good sleep, others produce the opposite effect. You should avoid consuming alcohol, spicy foods and heavy meals right before bedtime.

Sugary foods have been found to affect sleep. The spike in energy and subsequent crash one experiences after eating such foods can significantly disrupt your body clock. Research has also found that when you aren’t getting enough quality sleep, you usually get the drive to eat more sugar, thus creating a vicious cycle of poor and unhealthy diet.

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