Home » Spine Health: Preventing Spine Problems Even Into Old Age

Spine Health: Preventing Spine Problems Even Into Old Age

by healthandbeautytimes

As the clock ticks, we get more susceptible to experiencing health problems. When you struggle with some of these health conditions, your quality of life gets diminished day by day, and doing simple tasks by yourself becomes a hassle. It even gets more complicated for the seniors living independently to do what they want to do if their spines are messed up. They live to tell this tale deeper into their aging life.

The causes of back pain vary from person to person, and each condition is unique. Unfortunately, most of us take back pains lightly, and when it starts, we often take painkillers and run back to our everyday routines until the condition worsens later on. The repercussions of not consulting a professional and treating it early enough then nofollow. Back pain originates from various causes, but you can avoid it by doing these things.

1.  Start From Your Bedroom

Most of us are victims of waking up with back pain after a night’s rest? This is a common occurrence for most of us. First, the source of the pain could be the mattress that you’re sleeping on.

We are all culprits of using our old mattresses and not replacing them simply because they are not worn out, ten years down the line. That is so wrong. Here are things you can do in your bedroom:

  • Invest in a back-supportive mattress- replace it after 6-8 years.
  • Turn your mattress from time to time to keep it properly aligned.
  • Sleep on your side– Not on your stomach. It equally helps to maintain the natural shape of the spine since you will have your legs bent.
  • Use a pillow to support your neck.

2.  Do Some Physical Activity

If you’re used to sitting for more extended periods, you need to change this as it will eventually hurt your spine. Your back muscles need to be toned from time to time. If you’re a senior or work in an office setup, it’s easy to find yourself seated for a longer time than usual, and it’s not healthy.

If possible, try to do a 30-minute routine every day to keep your back on track. The exercises don’t have to be back-dedicated, but simple activities that keep your back in check like meditation, jogging, walking, and stretching.

Also, numerous researches have explained how excess weight could cause back pain. Lucky for you, if you take up an exercise routine, it will be able to keep your weight under control to prevent future disasters like these from arising.

3.  Into The Kitchen

There’s a general misconception that what we eat only affects our weight. Fortunately, it also directly affects our spine. Just like we mentioned excess weight being a problem to your spine, what you feed is where it all begins.

Most of these are calcium-rich foods, which is an essential mineral to help maintain a healthy spine. They include;

  • Vegetables, specifically green leafy vegetables, help to build up back strength and support
  • Lean Proteins like fish and chicken. They help maintain general spinal health
  • Fruits like berries help keep your spine healthy
  • Low-fat dairy products like avocado, nuts, olive oil, etc. help to keep your spine healthy
  • Water also plays a role in ensuring that your discs are well hydrated

Additionally, you can take up supplements that contain omega-3 or Vitamin B-complex.

4.  The Shoe-Factor

The shoe factor is mainly a lady’s problem since they wear heels. We don’t discourage you from looking good from time to time, but sometimes, show up with some comfortable low-heeled shoes. They ensure your back is well-aligned and reduce back strain while standing. Also, don’t wear tight shoes, but well-fitting shoes.

5.  Fix Your Posture

Posture is one of the most vital steps to maintaining a good spine. Continuous wrong posture positions give unnecessary back strains, which may eventually alter the shape of your spine. You can keep your posture in order by:

  • Sitting straight
  • Standing straight
  • Avoid rounding your shoulders, especially while standing
  • Lift your phone when using it
  • Have back-pillow support while driving

6.  Quit Smoking

We often link cigarettes to your lungs and heart, but nicotine has also been linked to causing poor spine health. The health problem with nicotine is that it drains the disc of the water, which we previously recommended that you take regularly. Eventually, it makes your bones brittle and may lead to a condition commonly known as osteoporosis, which makes your back weak and more vulnerable to pain even after performing simple tasks.

7.  Watch What You Lift

Lifting heavy objects that are more than 25% of your body weight often leads to most back injuries. At times, even the posture that we use to lift these heavy objects is also a problem. Of course, most of us tend to bend when we want to lift something. However, the correct way to do it is to squat and lift your item instead of bending. You shouldn’t strain your back at all costs.

Therefore, if you have weight lifting devices to help you with that, please use that option. Or else, balance out your luggage if you must carry them to prevent straining your back.

8.  Don’t Always Ignore Early Warning Signs

As mentioned earlier, ignoring previous warning problems may cause severe back problems in the long run. At times, the cause of the pain could be from overdoing some things which will help your back. For example, if you’re a dedicated gym attendee and you primarily specialize in weight lifting, it may eventually cause harm to your back. In such circumstances, you will need to tone down.

We got used to self-medication while, in the real sense, we are covering up a bigger problem. Yes, back pains are inevitable once in a while, but if the pain persists, it’s essential to consult a professional chiropractor or doctor to help identify the cause of the frequent back pains.

Prevention will always be the better and the cheaper option, especially in situations involving our health. Making these minor adjustments may seem trivial, but they will save your life and well-being in the long run. Please don’t ignore them. If you need any individual to advise about your back, consult a superior chiropractor to guide you without fear.

About the Author

Jennifer Bell









Jennifer Bell is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.


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