Home » What is Flaxseed Oil? – Definition, Benefits, Side Effects

What is Flaxseed Oil? – Definition, Benefits, Side Effects

by healthandbeautytimes

Flaxseed Oil Definition

Flaxseed oil is a product obtained from the seeds of flax. A herbaceous plant of the family of Linaceae is used for therapeutic methods from antiquity and tastes similar to nuts.

Flaxseed oil is of vegetable origin that is from flax seeds, which is why in many places. It is called flax oil and is 100% natural. Its use does not generate any contraindication in our body.

This type of oil comes from the seed of the Linum usitatissimum plant. It characterizes by being cold-pressed, which provides a more significant amount of nutrients and higher quality.

What is the composition of flaxseed oil?

  • Science describes flax as a plant with hollow stems 80 centimeters high, erect, and branches in the upper half.
  • The flaxseed oil produced from this plant contains 18% of monounsaturated fatty acids and 9% of saturated acids.
  • At the same time, the seed provides five times more acids of the Omega 3 family: that regulates the level of fats in the body and that we can find in foods such as salmon, avocado, sardines, and olive oil.
  • This liquid also contains Omega 6 type acids and protein and fiber, two essential elements for good visual health.

What are the main benefits of Flaxseed Oil?

The components that we have mentioned in the previous section make flaxseed oil a product that provides numerous benefits for our health, including:

  1. Flax Seed Oil lowers cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular disease due to Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids. And also, flaxseed oil can reduce bad cholesterol in the body by up to 18%.
  2. Flax Seed Oil improves daily intestinal function and is a proper antidote to related problems, such as constipation or intestinal inflammations.
  3. One tablespoon a day, which can be added to yogurt, bread, and rolls or even taken alone, is the dose that many nutritionists recommend for this effect.
  4. Regulates blood pressure, heart function, urinary function, hormone synthesis, molecules derives from the high proportion of Omega 3 type acids present in this product.
  5. It is an excellent ally of our skin. It protects against inclement weather, helps heal sunburn, and can be useful for fighting acne.
  6. Flax Seed Oil regulates brain functions. The contribution of Omega 3 fatty acids helps combat depression and can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s.
  7. Relieve menstrual cramps. Many women get noticeable relief from period aches and pains by taking flaxseed oil.
  8. It has a tremendous anti-inflammatory capacity, making flaxseed oil a product that effectively combats pain from arthritis.
  9. Although flaxseed oil provides many health benefits, being very powerful, it is advisable to take it in moderation and in small amounts to avoid suffering from stomach upset.
  10. On the other hand, some people have an allergy to this food, so in case of doubts, it is advisable to consult our doctor before taking it.

How is Flax Seed Oil Ideal For Women?

  1. The flaxseed oil has properties beneficial for women since it relieves premenstrual syndrome; it has cosmetic uses for hydration of skin, cellulite, hair, nails, and skin.
  2. Flaxseed Oil can even be applied as mascara, hydrating split ends of the hair, and is perfect after manicures.
  3. Flaxseed oil helps the skin presents a better appearance and gains in health since its antioxidant capacity; it slows down the signs of aging.
  4. Improvement of eczema (dry skin, irritation, scaly skin)
  5. Hair is born healthier, in addition to improving its natural shine
  6. Regulate menstruation.
  7. Balance progesterone levels.
  8. Reduce the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome, among which occur: weight gain, irregular menstruation, infertility, acne, problems with hair growth (hirsutism).
  9. Reduce the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, insomnia, etc.

How can Flaxseed Oil be used in the Diet?

  • When it comes to introducing this food into our Diet, we have two options: Flaxseed oil in liquid format, or Flax or Flax Oil Supplements.
  • With both, we will be able to provide the same benefits, only that in one way, we are ingesting more caloric content (oil). Simultaneously, in capsules or pearls, we leave with the active principle or fatty acid.
  • Storing Flax Oil: It is suitable to keep in the refrigerator to preserve freshness. It is essential to close the container well to prevent oxidation.
  • Do not cook with flax oil: I recommend enchanting flaxseed oil as a dressing or sauce for our dishes or to consume it directly with a spoon. That is, take it raw.
  • The reason is that if we use it for cooking, raising the temperature will cause it to oxidize.

What are the side effects of Flax Seed Oil?

The use of flax seeds and flax oil is generally safe when consumed in fewer amounts. However, when consumed in large quantities and with very little water, flax seeds can cause the following:

  1. Swelling
  2. Gases
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Avoid using flax seeds and flax oil during pregnancy.
  5. Don’t eat unripe flax seeds because flax oil may slow blood clotting, stop using it two weeks before undergoing elective surgery.
  6. There is mixed evidence as to whether flaxseed or flax oil affects the prostate or on the risk of prostate cancer.
  7. It is advisable to take small amounts since it causes stomach upset due to indigestion, nausea, abdominal pain, or flatulence.
  8. Due to its laxative effects, it could lead to diarrhea. An allergic reaction, such as hives, bulge, or difficulty living, may be considered.

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