Home » The Best Vitamins for Skin Health

The Best Vitamins for Skin Health

by healthandbeautytimes

Skin Health: When it comes to maintaining a clear, healthy complexion, everything we ingest is just as essential as things we put on our faces. There are a lot of different factors that can result in blemish-prone skin, from hygiene and genetics to hormones and more.

That said, the one element in your control is nutrition, and ensuring you consume a robust diet rich in every skin-nourishing vitamin will be more than sufficient in most, if not all, scenarios. Even if you prefer getting a little bit of extra help from supplements, note that for them to be efficient, they ought to be used alongside a healthy diet and can never act as a replacement.

How to Use Vitamins for Skin Care?

There are several ways you can get the vitamins you need for healthy skin. Here are the main three.


The skin can absorb a good number of vitamins, and that’s why you find lots of skincare products with vitamins as added ingredients. The downside? Simply because a cream or lotion says it’s been packed with vitamins does not imply that a magically radiant skin post-application is assured.

As with all other products, not all serums and lotions are created equal. Some of them retail with a higher concentration of vitamins, while others can cause skin irritation if they have a high concentration of the active ingredient.

As such, always apply a lotion cautiously and do not hesitate to talk to your dermatologist if you are unsure about a specific product.


Supplements are a great way to get vitamins you might not get from your diets. Nevertheless, you’re better off trying to improve your diet before turning to supplements. Why? Well, with supplements, there is often a risk of them either interacting with medicines you might be taking or risking taking too much.

It’s even easier to overdose on supplements if you’re not technically deficient.


A healthy diet with a lot of vegetables and fruits is, without a doubt, the most efficient way to get the different minerals and vitamins that support skin health. It’s also the safest of all three methods mentioned in this guide.

4 Best Vitamins for Skin Health

Vitamin K

Even though not as well-known as the other vitamins mentioned in this guide, Vitamin K deserves a top stop in the list for the role it plays in reducing dark circles, scars, dark spots, spider veins, stretch marks, and many other conditions related to tissue damage and blood clotting.

Vitamin K can also help a wound heal after surgery or injury. In regards to where you can get Vitamin K, you can either apply it topically or ingest it in leafy greens like kale, lettuce, green beans, and spinach.

Vitamin B3

You’ll find Vitamin B in several variations (eight to be precise), and even though they are all essential in their own rights, only one of them has the strongest effects on your skin, i.e Vitamin B3 (niacinamide).

Proper use of Vitamin B3 (usually via powders and topical creams) relieves inflammatory conditions like eczema, reduces skin dryness, and fortifies your skin’s barrier. Vitamin B3’s moisturizing properties can also result in a more balanced, smoother complexion.

Vitamin A

As the 1st FDA-approved nutrient for skincare, Vitamin A can be used to improve one’s overall complexion and treat a wide array of cosmetic conditions (particularly acne.) When applied to one’s skin in topical form, Vitamin A promotes skin cell turnover, maintains collagen durability, and binds to skin cell receptors.

In doing all the above, Vitamin A also ensures that the skin regenerates more quickly and retains its strength while at the same time reducing scars, breakouts, fine lines, and more.

IV Vitamin Therapy

Would you like healthier skin? Or perhaps you’d like something that can cure that Sunday morning hangover. What about something that can boost your immune system? All of the above are just a few of the many health issues that an IV vitamin therapy can improve or solve through an infusion of various minerals and vitamins.

What’s more? All you need is 45 minutes to get an IV treatment packed with minerals and vitamins. The infusion can also be carried out either in the comfort of your home or in a clinical setting.

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